DALLAS, Oct 29, 2013 — Oct. 23 will be a day 15 Children’s patients will never forget. Former First Lady Laura Bush made a surprise appearance and shared her love of reading with them!
Mrs. Bush read from her book, “Read All About It!,” in the Krissi Holman Family Resource Library and Children’s Collection where she and President Bush donated books in Krissi’s memory. Krissi, who was fond of President Bush, received a phone call from him shortly before she lost her battle with cancer in 2004.
Children’s President and CEO Christopher J. Durovich gave Mrs. Bush a tour of Children’s Medical Center including stops in the Pauline Allen Gill Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders and the Centennial Timeline Exhibit in the Children’s lobby.

Former First Lady Laura Bush reads her book, “Read All About It!,” with some Children’s patients.

Mrs. Laura Bush (center) spent time with patients and families in the Pauline Allen Gill Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders at Children’s. She was accompanied by (from left) Kaye Schmidt, senior director of the Gill Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders; Regina Montoya, Senior Vice President of External Relations; and Christopher J. Durovich, President and CEO.

Christopher J. Durovich, Children’s President and CEO, tours former First Lady Laura Bush through the Centennial historical exhibit in the Tower D Lobby.

Children’s President and CEO Christopher J. Durovich and Mrs. Laura Bush stop during the tour to watch a few activities in the Children’s Butterfly Atrium.